Dr Xav Brooke

Image showing Dr Xav Brooke

I am a Child Psychologist (Clinical Psychologist) and Co-founder of Forward Thinking.  I have been a Clinical Psychologist for over 10 years., working within the NHS and Social Care in Specialist CAMHS for Children in Care; Hampshire and Isle of Wight Forensic CAMHS ; across Paediatric Services at Southampton General Hospital, including the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit; and in Independent Practice. I have the following qualifications:

  • DClinPsychol.Clinical Psychology – University of Southampton
  • MScHealth Psychology – University of Southampton
  • BSc(Hons) Psychology – University of Southampton

During my time in the NHS I specialised in helping children, young people and families who were experiencing complex difficulties and/or trauma.  In addition to therapy, I regularly provided specialist training, consultation and supervision to professionals from Health, Education and Social Care.  I was an Honorary Lecturer in Child & Adolescent Mental Health for the Doctoral Training Programme in Clinical Psychology at the University of Southampton for over 10 years, regularly contributing teaching sessions and workshops on Child & Adolescent Mental Health.  Having worked in Independent Practice since 2013, Lucinda and I set up Forward Thinking together in 2015, at our former base at Woodmill.  These days I work at Forward Thinking full-time, and co-ordinate the therapy service.  I currently provide therapy for children and young people with a wide variety of presenting difficulties, such as anxiety, low mood and OCD.  I am, trained in a range of evidence-based approaches including CBT, ACT and Narrative Therapy.